Service telefoane mobile - competenta sau bataie de joc?
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15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:40:50
Ca sa nu mai fim off-topic in alte parti.Puteti sa va spuneti parerea aici despre ce ati patit si eventual sa ne avertizati si pe noi din timp
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Addicted
904 mesaje
din 15/12/2005
21 martie 2006, 23:44:10
Nu am luat niciodata tzeapa,ori de cate ori am apelat la un service gsm. In primul rand va sfatuiesc sa mergeti doar la cele autorizate,nu la intermediari.
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:45:47
Eu am mers (chair de mai multe ori) la service Nokia autorizat (CETELEC) si parerea mea despre ei ...
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Lurker
215 mesaje
din 11/01/2006
21 martie 2006, 23:48:57
Anda 21-03-2006 23:44:10
Nu am luat niciodata tzeapa,ori de cate ori am apelat la un service gsm. In primul rand va sfatuiesc sa mergeti doar la cele autorizate,nu la asta nu din lipsa de telefoane defecte (restul atelierelor de reparat telefoane au de lucru la greu), cat din cauza incompetentei angajatilor.
atunci vin si te intreb pe tine: eu unde imi repar telefonul?
MW Addicted
4446 mesaje
din 04/09/2005
1 aprecieri
Opera Mini
21 martie 2006, 23:49:27 • actualizat 21 martie 2006, 23:54:29 (1 ori)
nu am avut niciodata telefonul in service
edit: telefoanele. si am avut destule.
edit: telefoanele. si am avut destule.
MW Lurker
215 mesaje
din 11/01/2006
21 martie 2006, 23:50:27
Diu 21-03-2006 23:49:27
nu am avut niciodata telefonul in service 好人礼服黑色
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:52:11
mjr 21-03-2006 23:48:57
atunci vin si te intreb pe tine: eu unde imi repar telefonul?
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Addicted
1518 mesaje
din 17/09/2005
21 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:52:21
Apropo de Cetelec, daca lasati la ei un tel care nu a fost importat oficial in Romania, cand il luati inapoi o sa-l aveti blocat intr-o retea din tara de origine!
MW Lurker
215 mesaje
din 11/01/2006
21 martie 2006, 23:54:34
Cint 21-03-2006 23:52:11
trimite-l prin posta la cetelec Bucuresti. Am inteles ca se practica...MW Addicted
904 mesaje
din 15/12/2005
21 martie 2006, 23:56:10
Mjr,in Iasi sunt multe service-uri autorizate. In genereal majoritatea celor ce apeleaza la ei sunt multumiti de serviciile prestate.
MW Lurker
215 mesaje
din 11/01/2006
21 martie 2006, 23:56:25
seraf 21-03-2006 23:52:21
Apropo de Cetelec, daca lasati la ei un tel care nu a fost importat oficial in Romania, cand il luati inapoi o sa-l aveti blocat intr-o retea din tara de origine! 好人礼服黑色
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:56:54
in cazul asta fa scandal pe undeva... nu stiu unde sa faci ca dupa cum am vazut in Romania pe foarte putini ii intereseaza protectia consumatorului si eventualele sale reclamatii
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Lurker
215 mesaje
din 11/01/2006
21 martie 2006, 23:57:27
Anda 21-03-2006 23:56:10
Mjr,in Iasi sunt multe service-uri autorizate. In genereal majoritatea celor ce apeleaza la ei sunt multumiti de serviciile prestate. 好人礼服黑色
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
21 martie 2006, 23:58:23
Anda 21-03-2006 23:56:10
Mjr,in Iasi sunt multe service-uri autorizate. In genereal majoritatea celor ce apeleaza la ei sunt multumiti de serviciile prestate.
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Addicted
1759 mesaje
din 28/06/2005
21 martie 2006, 23:58:40
@mjr Si ce raspuns ai primit ? De ce nu il pot face ? Ti-au luat bani ? Banuiesc ca nu. new wap chat portal
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