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15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
10 februarie 2006, 11:11:48
A fost anuntata aparitia ps3. Va avea unitate optica blue ray. Cred ca o sa fie scuuuuumpa rau...

Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you

1531 mesaje
din 25/06/2005
12 aprecieri

eu macar un playstation 2 sa am;) ca citeste dvd!Are un prieten si cica ii place!.......norocosul!

15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
10 februarie 2006, 12:19:37
nu se renteaza zic eu..cu banii de pe ps ,mai pui ceva si iti faci super pc.

Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you

MW Veteran
531 mesaje
din 25/11/2005
10 februarie 2006, 12:43:26
dar ps2 la ce pret e?ps3 stiti la ce pret o sa fie?

MW Veteran
616 mesaje
din 16/10/2005
12 februarie 2006, 03:51:43
ps2 e vreo 200 euro. prin ziare se vinde cu 3.5-4 milioane
winners never quit, quitters never win

MW Addicted
4287 mesaje
din 08/12/2005
1 aprecieri
10 mai 2006, 18:34:56 • actualizat 10 mai 2006, 18:35:49 (1 ori)
SONY Playstation 3 - PS3

64 bit "Cell" processor
4.6 Ghz - 35 times faster than PS2
Realtime movie quality graphics
Play "Blu-ray" video games & movies
Bluetooth wireless controller
HDTV output
Integrated ethernet, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
Compatible with PS2 games
Release date: November 2006

64 bit "Cell" processor
4.6 Ghz - 35 times faster than PS2
Realtime movie quality graphics
Play "Blu-ray" video games & movies
Bluetooth wireless controller
HDTV output
Integrated ethernet, Wi-Fi & Bluetooth
Compatible with PS2 games
Release date: November 2006

MW Addicted
4446 mesaje
din 04/09/2005
1 aprecieri

Lol! Amu mi-am cumparat un playstation! Rofl, rofl, rofl
Oare ma pot conecta la net de pe el?
Oare ma pot conecta la net de pe el?

MW Addicted
1045 mesaje
din 18/07/2005
10 aprecieri

Naspa e ca nu cititeste nici mp3-uri,dar carei treaba cu network?Se poate juca si in retea?

1531 mesaje
din 25/06/2005
12 aprecieri

am jucat de curand niste jocuri pe play 2
parca imi place mai mult acum,ca prima oara
fifa2006,smackdown si altele! sunt super

MW Addicted
1045 mesaje
din 18/07/2005
10 aprecieri

Am un prieten care a cumparat un pachet swap magic3,http://www.swapmagic3.com de decodat ps2,dar nu stie cum sa procedeze,stiti cumva cum trebuie facut.

MW Addicted
4446 mesaje
din 04/09/2005
1 aprecieri

In Satu Mare s-a deschis prima sala de xbox360! Cica aceasta consola de jocuri e la fel de 'puternica' ca un PC la 2500 euro

MW Liker
72 mesaje
din 11/12/2005
05 noiembrie 2006, 16:35:43
Nu stiti nimeni un psp bun?sunt dispus sa dau un samsung E720!dk ii careva interesat sa ma contacteze pe alex_69_kid i'm waiting:D

15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri

la preturi de aproximativ 500 $ ,la Tokyo s.au vandut 100.000 playstation 3 din prima zi. cererea e mult mai mare
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you

Cum adica prima zi ?
eu am vazut play station 3 de vreun an

Be happy!

MW Addicted
899 mesaje
din 28/01/2006
1 aprecieri
11 noiembrie 2006, 19:55:35
ce conteaza cand a aparut atat sa vandut in prima zi.
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