Navigatie GPS

1 201 vizualizări
6 răspunsuri
autor subiect #1
1 mesaje
din 05/11/2009
50% warn
05 noiembrie 2009, 23:43:39
Hi all;
I am an happy owner of Oregon 550t and I would like to know which method or guide to follow to visualize on the gps more independent tracks pieces simultaneously and together with the preloaded map.
The problem is that if I load these tracks pieces as a single track (since in this gps is not possible to view more tracks at the same time), all the final parts of the pieces are connected with the beginning of the following piece making the vision very difficult.
For this reason I would like to to convert the track to a map and then import it in the gps and put on top of the preloaded map.
As an alternative i could first download the preloaded map from the gps to the pc, insert the track and import everything again.
Note that is not important that the gps follow this track, It could only show it for example like a river; I don't need any navigation function but only see the track with no connecting lines between the pieces.
Does someone of you know the procedure to do this as simple as possible?
All what I have now are hundreds of tracks in .plt or .gpx format not joined and tens of km one far from the other; I must visualize all of them and togheter with the preloaded map.
Thank you for every suggestion.

Edited by Mishulica at 22-08-2010, 18:49
MW Addicted
1045 mesaje
din 18/07/2005
10 aprecieri
22 august 2010, 18:45:13
are cineva soft-ul gps pentru un gps auto navman n40i
avea smartst 2006 se
acuma am reusit doar sa il deblochez si am doar acel desktop de la windows CE 2005
si cd-ul de la el nu il mai gasesc
MW Addicted
3263 mesaje
din 12/02/2008
26 aprecieri
22 august 2010, 19:27:10 • actualizat 22 august 2010, 19:29:01 (1 ori)
poti instala orice soft. pune igo. il bagi pe card, intri in mycomputer, in card si il deschizi de acolo...
1 mesaje
din 07/10/2010
07 octombrie 2010, 11:16:10
Buna mi-am sters hartile de pe un gps binatone A430 cine ma poate ajuta sa imi spuna ce harti pot pune sau ce soft va multumesc
MW Addicted
1961 mesaje
din 21/04/2007
6 aprecieri
14 ianuarie 2011, 14:18:40 • actualizat 14 ianuarie 2011, 18:24:38 (3 ori)
stie cineva unde pot gasi un soft gps (cu harta europei) pentru laptop, mai nou cu updateuri pana in 2011?  :D laptopul se conecteaza la o antena gps. stiam de autoroute,mappoint dar astea le gasesc in versiuni mai vechi si deh, s-au mai schimbat rutele de atunci.  :D

P.S pentru camioane  :P
MW Addicted
1684 mesaje
din 13/10/2008
2 aprecieri
11 octombrie 2012, 01:20:05 • actualizat 11 octombrie 2012, 01:20:56 (2 ori)
poate uploada cineva foldeul cu voce in romana de la ovi maps(CITTYES\VOICES) , cineva cu nokia? multumesc
MW Addicted
3961 mesaje
din 05/08/2008
90 aprecieri
11 octombrie 2012, 10:46:27
Alecsandru 11-10-2012 01:20:05
poate uploada cineva foldeul cu voce in romana de la ovi maps(CITTYES\VOICES) , cineva cu nokia? multumesc
In telefon imi apare pe card asa: cities/diskcache/voices/voice_catalog_HUN
Am pe limba Hu telefonul. La asa un fisier te referi?
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