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15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
Windows CE
24 februarie 2006, 06:17:52
eu am înțeles ca peste 2 zile . da cine știe
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Veteran
550 mesaje
din 14/02/2006
24 februarie 2006, 07:26:59 apucat sa vad am jucat doar niste trivia ca era mai gol
MW Addicted
1438 mesaje
din 29/04/2005
Windows CE
24 februarie 2006, 09:36:22
sa relansat euforia?ce adresa are?ca pe vechea adresa imi zice ca se va relansa in curand.
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
Windows CE
24 februarie 2006, 10:17:36
tot aia veche @adresa dar acum iar stă pe tușă
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Addicted
1438 mesaje
din 29/04/2005
MW Veteran
550 mesaje
din 14/02/2006
24 februarie 2006, 13:18:08
isi revine curand
MW Addicted
1438 mesaje
din 29/04/2005
MW Addicted
932 mesaje
din 27/09/2005
27 februarie 2006, 12:52:24
ce fratiilor ai duceti lipsa? ...da,daca nu exista?
life is much better with HTC...[IMG][/IMG]
MW Veteran
550 mesaje
din 14/02/2006
28 februarie 2006, 00:51:35
lol se va ridica din propia cenusa...euforia va revenii...
MW Addicted
1438 mesaje
din 29/04/2005
Windows CE
28 februarie 2006, 06:19:26 sam034 28-02-2006 00:51:35
lol se va ridica din propia cenusa...euforia va revenii...MW Addicted
5058 mesaje
din 12/08/2005
19 aprecieri
Opera Mini
28 februarie 2006, 06:23:58
ma, da mult le mai ia s-o "ridice din cenusa"... " de anu trecut de cand "se ridica"....
pOwErEd bY JohnnY
pOwErEd bY JohnnY
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
Windows CE
28 februarie 2006, 06:39:40
ha ha ha poate pasărea phoenix a luat gripă aviară
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
MW Veteran
550 mesaje
din 14/02/2006
28 februarie 2006, 06:51:53 • actualizat 28 februarie 2006, 06:57:46 (1 ori)
trebuie sa ne pastram speranta
va zbura din nou
Note: Posts were merged
va zbura din nou
Note: Posts were merged
MW Addicted
1438 mesaje
din 29/04/2005
Windows CE
28 februarie 2006, 08:46:47 Cint 28-02-2006 06:39:40
ha ha ha poate pasărea phoenix a luat gripă aviarăMW Addicted
5058 mesaje
din 12/08/2005
19 aprecieri
28 februarie 2006, 08:53:44 deja a fost sacrificata, pt. a nu raspandi virusul?
pOwErEd bY JohnnY
pOwErEd bY JohnnY
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