iPhone de la Apple
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6 mesaje
din 27/08/2011
06 septembrie 2011, 13:01:05
am si eu o prb cu cydia dp ce am inst versiunea 4.1 imi da niste erori http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/picture002s.png/ cum le pot rezolva...stima (scz daca nu am postat unde trebuie dar nu am vazut nici un topic cu prb cydia ...)
MW Moderator
5625 mesaje
din 12/12/2007
90 aprecieri
6 mesaje
din 27/08/2011
06 septembrie 2011, 13:53:58 • actualizat 06 septembrie 2011, 13:55:08 (1 ori)
ov1d1u 06-09-2011 13:48:29
Unele surse de pachete sunt specificate de doua ori. Daca ai vreun sources.list, un Repository Manager, un Software Sources sau altceva de genul asta deschide-l si asigura-te ca nu cumva o sursa sa apara de doua ori. Btw, apt-get. Lol
MW Addicted
2741 mesaje
din 19/04/2006
09 septembrie 2011, 22:53:56
Intri in cydia,dai jos pe manage si alegi sources...de acolo faci putin curat,in caz ca apar de 2 ori stergi sau nah,sterge-le pe cele care apar cu problema in eroare.
48 mesaje
din 01/08/2009
29 septembrie 2012, 14:57:14 • actualizat 30 septembrie 2012, 08:33:18 (3 ori)
Va rog frumos ajutor:
1.-Am facut update ios 6.0 la iphone 4(blocked) si imi cere cartela originala(swisscom) pentru activare.
2.-Vreau sa ii bag o versiune veche de soft ios 4.0.1 cu redsnow, am facut toti pasii dar cand fac jaibreak imi arata pe display la iphone 4 Please wait... si imi ramane in modul jaibreak (ajutati-ma poate am omis ceva)
1.-Am facut update ios 6.0 la iphone 4(blocked) si imi cere cartela originala(swisscom) pentru activare.
2.-Vreau sa ii bag o versiune veche de soft ios 4.0.1 cu redsnow, am facut toti pasii dar cand fac jaibreak imi arata pe display la iphone 4 Please wait... si imi ramane in modul jaibreak (ajutati-ma poate am omis ceva)
48 mesaje
din 01/08/2009
30 septembrie 2012, 08:28:48 • actualizat 30 septembrie 2012, 08:34:57 (2 ori)
original_jungle 29-09-2012 14:57:14
Va rog frumos ajutor:1.-Am facut update ios 6.0 la iphone 4(blocked) si imi cere cartela originala(swisscom) pentru activare.
2.-Vreau sa ii bag o versiune veche de soft ios 4.0.1 cu redsnow, am facut toti pasii dar cand fac jaibreak imi arata pe display la iphone 4 Please wait...
MW Addicted
4261 mesaje
din 16/02/2009
13 aprecieri
30 septembrie 2012, 09:23:19
MW Addicted
2685 mesaje
din 28/02/2006
8 aprecieri
30 septembrie 2012, 11:02:28
http://www.unlockorjailbreak.com/ a incercat cineva?
Mai bine sa taci si sa pari prost, decat sa vorbesti si sa spulberi toate indoielile.
48 mesaje
din 01/08/2009
30 septembrie 2012, 13:29:37
original_jungle 30-09-2012 08:28:48
original_jungle 29-09-2012 14:57:14
Va rog frumos ajutor:1.-Am facut update ios 6.0 la iphone 4(blocked) si imi cere cartela originala(swisscom) pentru activare.
2.-Vreau sa ii bag o versiune veche de soft ios 4.0.1 cu redsnow, am facut toti pasii dar cand fac jaibreak imi arata pe display la iphone 4 Please wait...
MW Addicted
2706 mesaje
din 25/11/2006
4 aprecieri
15174 mesaje
din 05/10/2005
61 aprecieri
07 aprilie 2013, 21:21:21
Ha ha ha ha... )
Apple slide-to-unlock patent invalidated by the German court
05 April, 2013 | Comments (165) | Post your comment
Tags: Apple, Motorola, Samsung
It seems Apple is going to lose its slide-to-unlock gesture patent, at least in the EU, since a German court has declared it invalid.
Everything started last year when Apple won an injunction against Motorola Mobility and attempted to ban the sales of certain devices. Encouraged by its victory Apple tried to sue Samsung over the same technology, but the case was suspended until German Patent and Trade Mark Office decides about the validity of Apple's patent.
Meanwhile Motorola Mobility appealed the court's decision and this time around it won the case. As it turns out the court ruled the Apple's slide-to-unlock patent is invalid because it doesn't meet the necessary technical requirements.
Motorola's victory will save Samsung the same lawsuit. This takes the whole lawsuit drama in Europe another step closer to its end. Here's hoping that the US cases follow suit so everyone can stop with this madness and get back to the development race?
Apple slide-to-unlock patent invalidated by the German court
05 April, 2013 | Comments (165) | Post your comment
Tags: Apple, Motorola, Samsung
It seems Apple is going to lose its slide-to-unlock gesture patent, at least in the EU, since a German court has declared it invalid.
Everything started last year when Apple won an injunction against Motorola Mobility and attempted to ban the sales of certain devices. Encouraged by its victory Apple tried to sue Samsung over the same technology, but the case was suspended until German Patent and Trade Mark Office decides about the validity of Apple's patent.
Meanwhile Motorola Mobility appealed the court's decision and this time around it won the case. As it turns out the court ruled the Apple's slide-to-unlock patent is invalid because it doesn't meet the necessary technical requirements.
Motorola's victory will save Samsung the same lawsuit. This takes the whole lawsuit drama in Europe another step closer to its end. Here's hoping that the US cases follow suit so everyone can stop with this madness and get back to the development race?
Usually I should post my phone name, PC config here... but IT'S NOT ABOUT THE HARDWARE ANYMORE. May you live in interesting times!
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
TIME is the greatest gift of all. "Waste" your time wisely.Don't waste your time with someone who doesn't have it to spend it with you
02 octombrie 2016, 18:45:19
Salut! am un iphone 6,am id ul de apple blocat,pe motiv de securitate.... am parola id ului apple de pe telefon...dar,nu am acces la parola de email secundar pe care care sa ma duc ca sa l activez.... daca ii fac o rescriere de soft,il pot activa mai apoi daca am parola si id ul e blocat
cel ce va fi prins cu stromeleagul invartosat primrejurul partilor fatatoare ale muerii,i se va taia scarbavnicul madular spre vesnica lui nefolosire
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