iPhone de la Apple

9 577 vizualizări
386 răspunsuri
autor subiect #1
zZz ツ
6921 mesaje
din 28/04/2005
281 aprecieri
Windows CE
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:25:20
Firstly let us take a look at highlights about Apple iPhone:
- powered by mobile version of Apple Mac OS X operating system, meaning: it is a genuine smartphone and not just a mobile phone that can run limited Java applications
- uses revolutionary multi-touch display what means that stylus is not needed and keyboard and keypad are not needed - all you need is at least 2 fingers! Example: with one "pinching move" you can zoome-in photos and you can rotate stuff and with special gestures you can control user interface much faster than with stylus/pen or than with a mouse or buttons.
- release dates: June 2007 in USA at Cingular, end of year 2007 in Europe and 2008 rest of the world
- cellular systems: GSM/GPRS/EDGE, quand-band, no 3G/UMTS/HSDPA
- built-in wireless: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth
- also pre-installed iTunes, meaning full access to iTunes store + full support for podcasting
- strong partnerships: with Google (maps, search) and Yahoo (free push email, Yahoo! Go)
sursa: http://msmobiles.com/news.php/5937.html

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MW Addicted
1352 mesaje
din 29/01/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:38:03
09 Jan, 2007
Today, at Macworld 2007 Apple announced the long-awaited iPhone - a widescreen iPod, a mobile phone, a mobile Internet terminal, a digital camera and a portable PIM organizer all-in-one. Some of the most exciting features of the iPhone include the OS X it runs on and touchscreen control with multi-finger gestures with no need for a stylus whatsoever.

Equipped with 4 or 8GB of integrated memory, the Apple iPhone has got more than the needed storage space to bring your photos, videos and music to life straight into your palm. It's much like iPod in that respect and features a large 3.5" touchscreen TFT display with a resolution of 320x480 pixels. But unlike an iPod it can take pictures with the integrated 2 megapixel camera. It even has an accellerometer which allows it to tell whether you are holding the device in landscape or portrait mode so that it can turn the display orientation correspondingly. And all that mobile virtuosity comes at the meager thickness of 11.6 mm.

A quad-band GSM/EDGE mobile (sorry, no 3G/HSDPA support), the iPhone is a truly amazing smartphone that can not only make and receive calls, but can also store your contacts, tasks, notes, calendar events, etc., as well as synchronize them seamlessly with the PC. If that's not enough the device also has Wi-Fi (802.11b/g) and Bluetooth 2.0 support. Some sweet highlights of the device are the Proximity sensor, which turns the display off when you lift the iPhone to your ear, as well as the Ambient light sensor that automatically adjusts the display's brightness.

The other strengths of this multimedia device are more or less Internet-oriented, since the iPhone offers exceptional web browsing capabilities thanks to the Safari web browser with integrated Google search plus the Google Maps application that can take you all over the world - unfortunately without a GPS receiver. The user experience can be further enhanced through the use of various widgets, well-known and loved by all users of the Mac OS X

Initial pricing in Cingular networks will be 499$ for the 4GB model and 599$ for the 8GB one





MW Liker
97 mesaje
din 09/10/2005
Windows CE
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:43:22
am vazut si eu prezentarea la tv e super super tare la 4G 499$ iar la 8$ 599$ la contract pe 2 ani pt inceput disponibil doar in USA
MW Luver
141 mesaje
din 23/10/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:44:11
si unde i-s tastele? ii slide?
today is the first day of the rest of your life...
MW Addicted
2758 mesaje
din 23/06/2005
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:45:02
Are touchscreen.... :lol:
MW Addicted
1352 mesaje
din 29/01/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:45:20 • actualizat 13 ianuarie 2007, 15:46:21 (1 ori)
nu, e touchscreen(pda).
uite aici:
MW Luver
141 mesaje
din 23/10/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:46:52
nu are taste deloc? decat touchscreen?
today is the first day of the rest of your life...
MW Addicted
1352 mesaje
din 29/01/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:53:33 • actualizat 13 ianuarie 2007, 16:04:46 (1 ori)
nu, nu are taste alfanumerice.

interesant ca are un senzor de proximitate ce inchide ecranul atunci cand utilizatorul il aduce in pozitia obisnuita de vorbit(la ureche), logic, pentru a evita o comanda gresita la atingerea ecranului.

si un alt senzor, accelerarometru(nu acceleratia la care va ganditi, ci acceleratia gravitationala "G"), ce schimba automat modul de afisare a display-ului in functie de pozitia in care este tinut(orizontal/vertical).
MW Addicted
2816 mesaje
din 23/10/2006
Opera Mini
13 ianuarie 2007, 15:55:53
E super tare. Touchscreen, HD de 8GB, WLAN, camera 2MP, ecran mare... Pretul e super acceptabil.
MW Luver
141 mesaje
din 23/10/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 16:04:49
All-in-one la un pret destul de acceptabil. Ma intreb cand va aparea si in Romania?
today is the first day of the rest of your life...
MW Addicted
6998 mesaje
din 05/06/2005
13 ianuarie 2007, 16:23:11 • actualizat 13 ianuarie 2007, 16:38:26 (1 ori)
Unii de pe club-siemens au sarit in sus cand a aparut,au crezut ca e Black Boxul(seamana destul de mult) dar mai mult ca sigur "Cutia Neagra" va fi mult mai tare :coolup:
MW Liker
97 mesaje
din 09/10/2005
Windows CE
13 ianuarie 2007, 20:13:16
presimt ca la toamna am sa l butonez si in primul rand sa ma bucur de el
MW Addicted
2253 mesaje
din 26/07/2005
Windows CE
13 ianuarie 2007, 20:56:26
Totusi nu are viteza 3G, pentru cei ce au acoperire cred ca e o problema.
MW Addicted
1350 mesaje
din 09/09/2006
13 ianuarie 2007, 20:56:47
:wow: iphone. oare pretul va fi la fel ca la ipod ???
MW Addicted
4227 mesaje
din 01/07/2005
Opera Mini
13 ianuarie 2007, 22:08:10
Super tare! As face o comparatie intre p990 si iPhone,cand ar aparea si pe la noi...
Înapoi la iOS
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