wattpad - Carti pe telefon

10 105 vizualizări
238 răspunsuri
MW Lurker
229 mesaje
din 06/06/2007
13 octombrie 2007, 14:40:18
cine imi pune si mie un referat in care se discuta in el despre substantivul ban sau bani in in viata oamenilor imi trebuie la lb romana
autor subiect #167
MW Addicted
4227 mesaje
din 01/07/2005
15 octombrie 2007, 14:47:00
eu nu mai am net pe pc si de pe mobil postez ca si acum cu apn net dar cu prima ocazie cand prind,o sa incerc sa solutionez toate cererile
MW Addicted
941 mesaje
din 03/06/2005
1 aprecieri
15 octombrie 2007, 14:51:31
McMaster - Pune niste carti de ale lui Coelho. . . :)
autor subiect #169
MW Addicted
4227 mesaje
din 01/07/2005
15 octombrie 2007, 15:37:27
ihi,cu prima ocazie,sa ma duc poate poimaine la astia cu netu sa vad ce rezolv
MW Luver
123 mesaje
din 16/09/2006
15 octombrie 2007, 20:13:43

His fifth novel, The Fifth Mountain, is set in the 9th century BC. Elijah is a young man struggling to maintain his sanity amidst a chaotic world of tyranny and war. Forced to flee his home, then choose between his newfound love and security and his overwhelming sense of duty, this is a moving and inspiring story about how we can transcend even the most terrible ordeals by keeping faith and love alive.
Limba Romana cod 70931


The story of an independent young woman whose life is changed forever by a chance encounter with a childhood friend. A magical blend of compelling action, exotic locations and intriguing characters, told with Paulo's characteristic power and insight. Pilar is an independent and practical young woman who is feeling bored and frustrated by the daily grind of her university life. Looking for a deeper meaning to her existence, she happens to meet an old childhood friend, now a handsome, mesmerizing spiritual teacher -- and a rumoured miracle worker. As he leads her on a magical journey through the Fench Pyrenees, Pilar begins to realize that this chance encounter is going to transform her life forever. With Paulo's trademark blend of mysticism, magical realism and folklore, Pilar's story is a poignant and deeply inspiring tale
code 70932
MW Addicted
2230 mesaje
din 07/10/2006
15 octombrie 2007, 20:24:03 • actualizat 15 octombrie 2007, 20:24:36 (1 ori)
Caut si eu Huckleberry Finn si Tom Sawyer de 2 ani si nu gasesc,le-am citit cand eram mai mic dar le-as reciti si nu gasesc,nu ma poate ajuta nimeni? :(
MW Addicted
941 mesaje
din 03/06/2005
1 aprecieri
15 octombrie 2007, 20:33:48
Dodos - Multumesc pt Paulo Coelho! Te rog si eu sa pui Tom Sawyer, intarind rugamintea lui Drix.  :D Desi am citit cartea de 6 ori si am vazut filmul de 3 ori , mi se pare misto cartea. :)
MW Luver
123 mesaje
din 16/09/2006
15 octombrie 2007, 21:47:14 • actualizat 15 octombrie 2007, 21:51:59 (2 ori)
Mark Twain
De Coelho mai vreti?

Note: Posts were merged
MW Luver
123 mesaje
din 16/09/2006
15 octombrie 2007, 22:04:07

Mark Twain's tale of a boy's picaresque journey down the Mississippi on a raft conveyed the voice and experience of the American frontier as no other work had done before. When Huck escapes from his drunken father and the 'sivilizing' Widow Douglas with the runaway slave Jim, he embarks on a series of adventures that draw him to feuding families and the trickery of the unscrupulous 'Duke' and 'Dauphin'. Beneath the exploits, however, are more serious undercurrents - of slavery, adult control - which threaten his deep and enduring friendship with Jim.
Code 70934
MW Addicted
941 mesaje
din 03/06/2005
1 aprecieri
Opera Mini
16 octombrie 2007, 00:53:40 • actualizat 16 octombrie 2007, 01:53:19 (1 ori)
Dodos - Pune si in limba romana "Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer"! Mai pune si Coelho,dar tot in romana!
MW Luver
123 mesaje
din 16/09/2006
16 octombrie 2007, 06:30:34 • actualizat 16 octombrie 2007, 06:31:41 (1 ori)

The new novel from the internationally best selling Paulo Coelho After being tricked into moving to Geneva with the promise of being a dancer, Maria finds herelf working the streets as a prostitute for a year. During this time she develops a fascination for sex. This fascination becomes a passion for her work, a desire to make people happy and enjoy sex. But behind the dedication to her work is a deep aversion to the idea of falling in love. That is until she meets a painter who she is able to love, and make her dreams come true. Paulo Coehlo explores the themes of sex and love in his new novel
Code 70965


Santiago is an Andalusian shepherd boy who dreams of travelling the world in search of a worldly treasure as fabulous as any ever found. From his home in Spain he journeys to the markets of Tangiers, and from there into the Egyptian desert, where a fateful encounter with the alchemist awaits him.
Code 70967


A new novel from Paulo Coelho, author of The Alchemist. A stranger arrives in the small mountain village. He carries with him a backpack containing a notebook and eleven gold bars. Burying these in the vicinity, the stranger strikes up a curious friendship with a young woman from the village -- Miss Prym. His mission is to discover whether human beings are essentially good or evil. In this stunning new novel, Paulo Coelho's unusual protagonist sets the town a moral challenge from which they may never recover. A fascinating meditation on the human soul, The Devil and Miss Prym illuminates the reality of good and evil within us all, and our uniquely human capacity to choose between them.
Code 70969

Tot ce am pus pana acum sunt in limba romana doar comentariile in engleza.Daca doriti si in engleza ar fi cu mult mai multe.De pilda deocamdata Aventurile lui Tom Sawyer am gasit decat in engleza.Asa ca daca mai vrea cineva o carte sa mentioneze daca poate fi pusa si in alta limba(sa o numeasca)sau decat in romana.
MW Liker
51 mesaje
din 04/05/2006
Opera Mini
31 octombrie 2007, 16:20:36
Cine poate sa-mi faca rost de un referat despre genetica moleculara,acizi nucleici,functia autocatalinica a adn-ului,functia heterocatalinica a adn-ului,codul genetic,organizarea materialului genetic...orice care sa cuprinda astea...imi trebuie neaparat astazi k maine iau un 2 cat mine de mare...ori pe wattpad,ori pe mobileshare in format txt...multumesc anticipat!...
MW Addicted
4477 mesaje
din 09/08/2007
20 aprecieri
Opera Mini
31 octombrie 2007, 18:06:43 • actualizat 31 octombrie 2007, 18:08:33 (1 ori)
cine poate sa imi dea si mie 2000 de leghe sub mari? (PDF)in limba somana, thx
Ati vazut ca cei de la www.emag.ro au si carti de vanzare?
Carti - Te fac neprost!
MW Addicted
2230 mesaje
din 07/10/2006
10 noiembrie 2007, 19:41:50
Va rooog,are cineva
Cristian Andrei - Ruj si perna :(( :help:
MW Liker
51 mesaje
din 04/05/2006
Opera Mini
07 decembrie 2007, 13:28:48
Poate cineva sa ma ajute cu o poezie(sau mai multe) din volumul "cantare omului" de tudor arghezi?...daka se poate astazi ca maine trebuie sa le predau...
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cine e aici?
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